26 October 2014

Thanksgiving Theme - Family Storytime

Ages: 22 months to 9 yrs old
Time: 11:00am to 11:30am

Parent/Caregiver Handouts
Thanksgiving Theme Rhymes and Songs

The Plan
Welcome Song
Stretching Rhyme: Apple Tree

Song: If You're Thankful and You Know ItSong: Hello Mr. Turkey
Book: Don't Play With Your Food
Song: Wizard of Oz Dance
Finger Play: Five Little Turkeys
Rhyme: The Turkey
Song: Little Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie
Felt Story: Fox Makes Friends
Bubbles and Handouts
Welcome Song
(tune: London Bridge is Falling Down) 
Hi hello and how are you
How are you? How are you?
Hi hello and how are you?
How are you today?

It’s a bright and sunny day
Sunny day, sunny day
It’s a bright and sunny day
For storytime and play!

Stretching Rhyme: Apple Tree
Way up high in the apple tree (reach arms up high)
Two little apples smiled at me (make two fists)
So I shook that tree as hard as I could (shake fists)
And DOWN came the apples.
Mmmm they were good (bring fists to ground, rub tummy)

Song: If You're Thankful and You Know It
(Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If you’re thankful and you know it
Clap your hands…
If you’re thankful and you know it
Clap your hands…
If you’re thankful and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re thankful and you know it
Clap your hands…
Continue with...
Stomp your feet…
Shout “I am!”…
Do all three… (clap your hands, stomp your feet, shout “I am!”)

Song: Hello Mr. Turkey
(Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)
Hello Mr. Turkey, how are you? (clap, clap)
Hello Mr. Turkey, how are you? (clap, clap)
With a gobble, gobble, gobble (hand under chin, wiggle fingers)
And a wobble, wobble, wobble (shake body)
Hello Mr. Turkey, how are you? (clap, clap)

Book: Don't Play With Your Food by Bob Shea

Reaction: I love this book! It's a little long for younger kids, but because the younger ones had older siblings in my group, they kept their little siblings' attention on the book and on answering the questions I was asking them. The colourful pictures and funny ending also helped! I'd also like to say that perhaps they enjoyed the different voices I used for Buddy and the Bunnies :D

Song: Wizard of Oz Dance by Georgiana Stewart (CD: Activity Songs and Games)

Reaction: I put a standing, child-size friendly scarecrow in the middle of the room and the kids held hands in a circle around it. This song is really good for learning sequencing and following instructions, especially because there's enough time between each set of instructions for the kids to change direction. For example, the kids have to walk in toward the scarecrow, then walk back out, step right, left, etc. The toddlers had a bit of trouble with this one though.

Finger Play: Five Little Turkeys

5 little turkeys sat in their pen.
"Hide, turkeys, hide!" said the little red hen.
One little turkey hopped out the door,
And when he was gone, there were (4).

4 little turkeys sat in their pen.
"Hide, turkeys, hide!" said the little red hen.
One little turkey flew far away
But the other ...(3) decided to stay.

3 little turkeys sat in their pen.
"Hide, turkeys, hide!" said the little red hen.
One little turkey flapped her wings and flew.
And when she was gone, there were...(2).

2 little turkeys sat in their pen.
"Hide, turkeys, hide!" said the little red hen.
One little turkey flew far away.
But the last ...(1) decided to stay.

1 little turkey sat in his pen.
"Hide, turkey, hide!" said the little red hen.
The last little turkey flew off toward the sun
And when he was gone, there were ...(none).

Reaction: My friend made a finger play glove with five colourful, attachable turkeys. This wasn't so successful because I didn't practice the rhyme before-hand, which means I gave the kids the turkey pieces to give back to me, when it should have been the other way around @~@ Lol...well, it wasn't successful on my side, but I think the kids enjoyed themselves anyway.

Rhyme: The Turkey
The turkey is a funny bird. (Make tail by hooking thumbs and spreading fingers)
His head goes wobble, wobble. (Wobble your head)
All he says is just one word.
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!

Reaction: Well...I had planned to do this, but actually forgot about it. Maybe next year...

Song: Little Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie

Reaction: I made some props for this song from Playing With Words. Again, I gave the kids pieces of Thanksgiving food, pots, etc. and they had a lot of fun stuffing the little old lady's mouth with the funnier pieces.

Felt Story: Fox Makes Friends by Adam Relf

Reaction: I really liked this story about a fox that takes his mother's words literally, making friends out of twigs, apples, etc. While "making" friends, he enlists the help of some other animals. In the end, he finds he had been making friends all along! I gave felt pieces to the kids and asked them to come up when the story called for their parts. This worked well, for the most part, but there were a couple of kids trying to pull down all the pieces. I'm still learning how to be more firm with rules...

Bubbles and Handouts
-I played the Beach Boys' song, Wouldn't It Be Nice, when blowing bubbles for the kids
-colouring sheet for the younger kids
-easy origami turkey instructions for older kids

Credits: I took the songs and rhymes from a variety of sources, some from work, and others from different parts of the internet. I will try to give credit where it is due, so if something is yours and I haven't credited you, please let me know and I will link back to you. Thank you!
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