Gaze upon my techni-colour jacket and try to restrain yourself from hurling. This jacket is one of the most powerful weapons in my wardrobe arsenal because its colour squares cause those that gaze upon it to dance like they’ve never danced before. Some ancient synapse in the brain fires signals to the rest of the body, recognizing the colour square pattern printed on the jacket as that found on 70’s dance halls. Arms akimbo and legs a-wobble, almost like zombies, except with desperation rather than gluttony and eternal encephalaphiliac written on their faces, enemies will dance the eternal night away!! Bwa ha ha ha! Make sure you haven’t eaten anything that unsettles your stomach before facing me, villain :p
And what of this fine head gear, you ask? Well, let me introduce you to the defender of the-mother-of-all-bad-hair-days! Yes, you read correctly. This nifty little blue cap, complete with an eye-catching, baseball team logo, will deflect unwanted attention from hair that just refuses to cooperate. If you're like me, you have hair that gets shiny real quick (as in, one day after you've washed your hair, it's already an oily mess @~@). If you're also someone who hates washing her hair everyday because
a) it makes hair look thinner (no body)
b) honestly, sometimes oil helps with the styling!, and
c) it's good to conserve water,
and if you're someone who rarely styles her hair anyway, then this magical hat can solve the woes of waking up with frazzled hair. So, paparazzi and candid-shot photographers watch out...this hat will make you pout! Shazam!!
(This piece was inspired by an activity from Soul Pancake called Wardrobe Arsenal.)